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The Support Shop features all of our current items (and some from friends and partners).  Different products support different projects, all of them go towards community aid.  For more places to shop, spend money and support, please visit our directory of local artists and makers (and donate to their GofundMes below)!


Let's Help Lois!

Lois Simbach has been an active supporter of everything in Marshall since she first landed here over 25 years ago, and now she needs our help. Nothing is left of her home and studio in Downtown Marshall after Helene.

Support Baylen Levore + Pars Fortuna

Tattoo artist and shared studio space that was located inside Marshall High studios

Help Martha Recover!

Martha's home and studio was located in Downtown Marshall, leaving her without housing and years of her work. Her daughter in Asheville has also been displaced. Please help her family recover!

Help Artist Nina Kawar

Nina Kawar is a full time ceramics artist whose entire body of work was taken by the flood. Her studio is located on the first floor of Marshall High.

Support Sarah Pike + Momma, Dannie

Sarah Pike is an active community member and advocate for our town. Please help her and her mother recover after losing their home and business space.

Help Madison Arts Council Rebuild

Local arts organization that supports the arts across our county whose main building was destroyed in the flood.

Rebuild Marshall High Studios

Help rebuild Marshall High Studios, an important resource and home to many artist studios in our area.

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